Welcome to NEFES 2020!
Affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, and considered for safety of our participants, NEFES 2020 can not be held in Xi'an this November as scheduled. NEFES 2020 will be held as an online conference on November 3rd-6th (virtual conference without any physical participation).
The online NEFES 2020 consists of two parts:
1) publication of papers in the conference proceeding/journals
2) Oral / Poster Presentations that conducted via Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.
The 5th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems (NEFES 2020) will be held in Xi’an, China during November 3-6, 2020. Following the successful NEFES 2019 in Macau, NEFES 2018 in Shanghai, NEFES 2017 in Yunnan and NEFES 2016 in Beijing, it dedicates to promote scientific interchange among researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners all around the world. We gathered to share our latest achievements and discuss the possible challenges in terms of new energy and future energy system.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite you to join the online NEFES 2020!
Submission Deadline: September 10, 2020
Submission System
Review System
Files Download
- Abstract Template
- Full Paper Template(IOP EES Conference Proceedings)
- Poster Template
- Presentation PPT Sample
1.The conference proceedings will be published by IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES), which is indexed by: Scopus, Engineering Compendex (EI), GeoBase, Georef and Inspec, etc.2.Selected papers will be recommended for publication in related SCI-indexed journals with Impact Factor, including but not limited to:

Special Issue "Transitions to A Climate-Neutral Economy", belongs to the section "Energy Economics and Policy"
Open Access, Covered by SCI

IF: 1.713 Regular Issue Covered by SCI-E and EI
Supported Journals | Call for Papers
Below Journals are calling for papers for regular issue, if you are interested, please submit your full length paper to their submission system directly.

SAGE, IF: 1.151
ISSN: 1550-1477
EISSN: 1550-1477
Indexing: SCIE

Published Papers
NEFES 2018 Volume 12, Number 4 Volume 13, Number 1
NEFES 2017 Volume 12, Number 1
NEFES 2016 Volume 10, Number 3
Congratulation to the Best Oral Presenter and the best poster presenter from NEFES 2020, who are awarded with the free registration to NEFES 2021:Best Oral Presentation
Dr. AC Budiman(FES2505), Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia.
Speech Title: Phase Change Materials in Electric Vehicles: A Brief Review
Best Poster Presentation
Dr. Fulong Zhao (FES2476), Harbin Engineering University, China.
Speech Title: Investigation of Temperature Transient Response Characteristics of Ceramic Fuel Rod of Open-Cycled Reactor



1. Due to COVID-19, NEFES 2020 will not be held in Xi'an this November as originally scheduled, but will be held in the mode of virtual online conference. [September 2, 2020].
- 2. Due to 2019-nCov, the date of NEFES 2020 is changed from July 14-17, 2020 to November 3-6, 2020. Please kindly adjust and arrange your schedule properly. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. [February 24th, 2020].
- 3. Selected papers from NEFES 2019 have been published by Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers -Energy in Volume 173 Issue 1. [February 3rd, 2020].
- 4. Proceedings of NEFES 2019 have been published by IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) in Volume 354 and have been indexed by Compendex and Scopus. [November 25th, 2019].
- 5. Selected papers from NEFES 2019 have been published by Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy in Volume 13, Number 5 and Volume 14, Number 1 [October 28th, 2019].
- 6. Related links [January 1st, 2020].
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