Invited Speaker

Prof. Chongchong Qi
Central South University, ChinaSpeech Title: Solid Waste Recycling in the Mining Industry
Abstract: Though the mining industry contributes significantly to the world economy through providing raw materials for many industries, mining operations inevitably produce a large amount of solid waste. It has been estimated that the solid waste in the mining industry accounts for ~80% of solid waste in the whole industry. The disposal of solid waste is possibly the most daunting challenge faced by the mining industry. In this presentation, different recycling methods will be introduced. The presentation starts with the utilization of ultrasonic pre-treated coal fly ash for soil amelioration. Then, the manufacturing of geopolymer using refuse mudstone, GGBS, and red mud is presented. The utilization of various solid waste as supplementary cementitious materials is explained and the recycling of solid waste as backfill materials is introduced. With the application of above-mentioned methods, the solid waste minimization and cleaner production in the mining industry will be promoted.