Invited Speaker

Dr. Diana Enescu
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Energy,Valahia University of Targoviste, RomaniaSpeech Title: Thermoelectric Refrigerator: Analytical Model, Energy Indicators and Methods to Improve the Performance
Abstract: Thermoelectric refrigeration units based on the Peltier effect are gaining relevance in some applications where these units are operating in specific conditions, such as moving units, needs for low emissions, and needs for silent operation. These conditions restrict the application of traditional vapour compression refrigerators, which are relatively more efficient technologies in normal conditions.
The assessment of the thermoelectric refrigerator unit is carried out in various ways by using analytical or computational models. This presentation addresses an analytical example of a thermoelectric refrigerator model constructed by using the electro-thermal analogy, as well as the equivalent electric circuit of the thermoelectric unit. Then, the energy indicators (cooling capacity, input electrical power, the figure of merit, and coefficient of performance) are highlighted to represent the design and performance of the thermoelectric cooler located inside the refrigeration unit. Furthermore, the main methods to improve the thermoelectric cooling performance considering high-performance materials, specific design aspects, and appropriate temperature control systems, are addressed.